18 Mart 2013 Pazartesi

Ilk gun/Day one

     Evet, farkindayim, ev suanda timarhane gibi, icerideki pis islerim henuz bitmedigi icin kutulari actirmadim, bu hafta herseyi tamamlayip yavas yavas yerlesmeyi umuyorum. Bugun iskan ile ilgili sinavi gectik. Yasal islemleri tamamlayip birkac gune evime elektrik ve su baglanacak. Benim acimdan en sinir bozucu durum, hala evimde kalamiyorum. 

     Yes, I know, it seems crazy at the moment but since I haven't done with the dirty stuff inside the house yet, I haven't start opening the boxes. Hoping to finish at the end of the week and try settling. Today our house passed the legal inspection which will lead me the next step; applying for electricity. This is the most annoying part, I can't stay in my place yet.

Tasindik/Moved in

9 Mart 2013 Cumartesi

Gelinen son nokta / The lastest pictures

Sanirim artik eve benziyor.

It looks like home now.

Dolu dizgin bir hafta/ What a crazy week

     Yogun bir haftaydi, neler yaptigimi aktarmaya zaman bulamadim. Bugun tum hafta neler yaptigimi ozetleyecek olursak;

      It was a busy week and I didn't have time to write what I've been doing. The work has been done all week is;

Bahcede calismalarimiz devam etti;
We continue organizing the garden;

Mermer doseme isi kaldigi yerden yeni bir usta ve gelen takviye mermerler ile devam etti;
We continued the marble work with a new team;

Percere montaji yapildi;
We installed the windows;

Supurgelik ve denizlik montaji yapildi;
And we did the trims;