8 Ekim 2012 Pazartesi

Cati hazirligi/ Getting ready for the roof

Kis geliyor...Yagmurlar baslamadan catiyi kapatmak lazim. Derm buradayken tek tek gezip ustalarin cikarttiklari isleri gorduk ve yerel ustalarla calismak uzere ustalarimizla tokalastik. Bu arada neler yaptik;
Derm catinin detayli projesini hazirladi ve kereste siparisini verdik,
Ben Karakoy'u arsinlayip cati icin gerekli diger malzemeleri temin ettim, Makita gonye testere, civi, tutkal, ahsap koruyucu, ahsap boyasi, vs...
Kerestelerimiz onceki gun geldi, koca bir tir dolusu, dun ahsap koruyuculari uygulandi, bugun boyanmaya baslandi. Adam bulmakta zorlandigimdan is basa dustu :)

Winter is coming... We have to close the top of the house before the rains. We decided whom we'll hire while Derm was here after inspecting several houses and hired local people. Let's see what we have done in the meantime;
Derm draw the details for our project and we ordered the lumber,
I bought the material needed for the roof; a Makita Miltre Saw, nails, glue, paint, etc...
I received the the lumber the other day and start painting. I have difficulty fixing men to put into work so I have to work myself  sometimes :)

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