6 Aralık 2012 Perşembe

Gecenin bir korunde nasil somine montaji yapilir/ Late night fireplace installation

Bir de hava buz gibi, ruzgarli ve pencereler olmadigi icin tum yagmur iceri doluyorsa hic hos degil :(
It's not fun when it's cold and the wind blowing all the rain through the windows :(

Son bir haftada neler yaptim/ What have I accomplished the last few days

Gecen persembe, yagmurlarin baslamasindan bir gun once, catiyi tamamladik. Cati bitmeden kisin gelmesi en buyuk kabusumdu, ustalarim kalbimin temiz oldugunu soyluyorlar :)
Son bir haftadir neler yaptim; pis ve temiz su tesisati dosendi, somine montaji tamamlandi, kanalizasyon baglantisi tamamlandi ve baglanti sonrasi bahcede dag seklinde duran toprak yigini ile aylardir acik duran kanalisazyon cukuru dolduruldu, daha ne olsun :) Bir de bos buldukca tesisatcilarin hiltisiyle mutfagimin avluya acilan kapisinin onundeki kayayi kirmaya calistim.

Just one day before the rains start the roof is finished. It was my biggest nightmare having the winter before the roof is done, my roof people tells I have a good heart and god hears me :)
What have I done the past week; plumbing is done, fireplace is installed, sewage connection is done and the soil piled up like a mountain for months is filled in the big hole in the garden.  Oh, one more thing. whenever I find a chance I take over the hilti to break the rock in front of the kitchen door opening to the courtyard.

8 Ekim 2012 Pazartesi

Cati hazirligi/ Getting ready for the roof

Kis geliyor...Yagmurlar baslamadan catiyi kapatmak lazim. Derm buradayken tek tek gezip ustalarin cikarttiklari isleri gorduk ve yerel ustalarla calismak uzere ustalarimizla tokalastik. Bu arada neler yaptik;
Derm catinin detayli projesini hazirladi ve kereste siparisini verdik,
Ben Karakoy'u arsinlayip cati icin gerekli diger malzemeleri temin ettim, Makita gonye testere, civi, tutkal, ahsap koruyucu, ahsap boyasi, vs...
Kerestelerimiz onceki gun geldi, koca bir tir dolusu, dun ahsap koruyuculari uygulandi, bugun boyanmaya baslandi. Adam bulmakta zorlandigimdan is basa dustu :)

Winter is coming... We have to close the top of the house before the rains. We decided whom we'll hire while Derm was here after inspecting several houses and hired local people. Let's see what we have done in the meantime;
Derm draw the details for our project and we ordered the lumber,
I bought the material needed for the roof; a Makita Miltre Saw, nails, glue, paint, etc...
I received the the lumber the other day and start painting. I have difficulty fixing men to put into work so I have to work myself  sometimes :)

16 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Nazar etme ne olur :)

Bazi dostlarim basima bu gelenlerin sebebini nazar olarak acikladi. Ben de tedbir olarak sayfamin basina nazar boncugumu astim :)

Nerede kalmistik?/Where have we stopped?

Evimizin insaasinda istenmeyen aksakliklarda dolayi epeydir gelismeleri aktaramiyordum. Neler oldu bir bakalim; sacmasapan bir nedenle insaatimi durdurmak zorunda kaldim, bu arada muteahitim beni terketti. Niye gittigini anlamam cok zor olmadi; odemelerim isin onunde gidiyorumus. Muteahitin eline boyle bir firsat gecince arkadas durumu degerlendirdi ve gitti. Saglik olsun diyoruz. Ve tabi hasar tespiti icin mahkemeye muracatlar, bilirkisiler, tespitler derken oldu aylardan Agustos. Araya bayram girdi vesaire 31 Mayis gunu ara verdigimiz islerimize 20 Agustos gunu kaldigimiz yerden basladik. Bu sefer muteahit sapkasini ben taktim. Su ana kadar fenada gitmiyor. Sadece biraz agir :)
Basladigimiz gunden beri eksik kalan duvarlari tamamladik. Projeye uygun olmayan yerleri yiktik, yeniden yaptik ve suanda cati hazirliklari icerisindeyiz. Cati ile ilgili ustalarimizla anlastik, hangi cins kereste kullanacagimiza karar verdik, kerestecimizle anlastik ve siparisimizi verdik. Keresteler hazir olunca asma katin insaasiyla baslayacagiz ve sonra catiyi kapatacagiz. Bu asamada Derm'de benimleydi ve bu secimler konusunda cok yardimci oldu. Ev ev gezip gorustugumuz ustalarin yaptiklari isleri inceledik. Derm bu aralar mimari projemize ilave olarak baglantilar gibi estetik cati detaylari ile ilgili planlamayla ugrasiyor. Bu isi yagmurlar baslamadan tamamlamak istiyorduk ancak isler planlandigi gibi gitmiyor maalesef.
Neyse, ne diyoruz; gec olsun, guc olmasin.

I stopped writing my blog due to the problems which stopped the construction for a while. In the meantime my contractor left me. I had to wait for the court to send experts to the site and give a report about the work done so that I can carry on the construction on my own since we had a contract signed with the contractor.
We started again 20th August. I have no contractor. I'm taking care of the construction. The stone walls are almost finished. Fixing a few details according to the project.
Derm thinks I'm doing a great job:) He was with me and helped me to decide the people who will build our roof. We visited houses inspected the work done and picked some local people from a village nearby. We ordered our lumber. We are hoping to start building the roof in a few weeks. Derm is working on the details about the roof since we don't have the details in our architectural plan. We'd love to accept any advice, especially about timber framing.
We were hoping to finish the roofs before the rains but it doesn't look likely at the moment.
We have a saying in Turkish; it may be late hope it may not be hard.