26 Mart 2012 Pazartesi
Yikima basladik, baslamak bitirmenin yarisidir./ We started, it's halfway for finishing.
24 Mart gunu Canakkale otobus terminalinden ekibimi aldim. Intepe'de Canakkale'nin leziz etiyle karnimizi doyurduktan sonra koyumuze gittik ve ekip arkadaslarimiz calisacaklari alani gorduler. Tepkilerinden anladigim kadariyla begendiler. Ekibime koyde bir ev ayarlayana kadar ilk iki gece ikamet edecekleri Sivrice Feneri yakininda Deniz ve Meral ablanin "Mavi Fener"ine goturdum. Calismak icin Kayseri'den kalkip gurbet ellere gelmis insanlara "Mavi Fener"in sicak karsilamasi cok iyi geldi sanirim. Bana cok iyi geldigi kesin zaten. Ben de iki gece Deniz ablanin Ege Denizini ayaklarinin altinda gordugu guzel yuvasinda misafirdim. 25 Mart gunu ekibi calisma alanina goturdum ve ilk kazmayi vurduk. 68 yasindaki Nurettin Amca kayalarin tepesine, oradanda evin damina tirmanip ilk kazmayi vurdu. Nurettin amca pire gibi adam, yerinde duramiyor, cok caliskan ve masallah yasina gore cok enerjik. Ayni aksam ekibin koyde kalacagi evi tuttuk ve ilk gunumuzu "Mavi Fener"de guzel bir balik sofrasiyla kutladik. 26 Mart gunu ekibi yeni evine yerlestirmeyi, oglen patates yemegi ile beslemeyi muteakip misafir evinin 68 cm.lik duvarinin taslarinin tek tek ozenle sokulup ayri ayri istiflenmesini seyrettim ve gun batimina dogru Kemal Usta'nin herseyi ozenle yurutecegini bilerek gonul rahatligiyla arabami batiya, gun batimina dogru surmeye basladim...
I picked my team from the bus terminal in Canakkale on March 24th. After having a lunch overlooking the Canakkale Strait (The Dardanelles) we drove to the village and show the team their working site which I understood the really loved. After resting that night we started on the 25th. The team worked all day on the site and I worked all day to do the arrangements about their stay. At the end of the day, they got rid of the roof, where we'll build the guest house and I managed to rent a place for my team to stay where they'll stay during their work. That night, we celebrate the first day with some tasty fish from theAegean. On the 26th, early in the morning, my team settled in their new place. I fed them lunch, and watch them bringing down the 68 cm thick stone wall and separating each rock gently. I was feeling comfortable to leave the work site seeing how my team is working, trusting my team leader Kemal and I drove my truck towards west, to the sunset...
2 Mart 2012 Cuma
Starting officially/ Resmi olarak basliyoruz
Just shook hands with the architect, started the paperwork for the construction permission. Very happy now :)
Az evvel beraber calisacagimiz mimarla anlasip tokalastik. Bu insaat izni ile ilgilide yasal surecin baslangici anlamina geliyor:)
Az evvel beraber calisacagimiz mimarla anlasip tokalastik. Bu insaat izni ile ilgilide yasal surecin baslangici anlamina geliyor:)
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